Would you like to have happy & healthy genitals? To feel a renewed excitement and experience of pleasure in your love life? A strong feeling of being grounded in your body?  Start your journey to feel relaxed and at home in your body. Transform your pelvis into a solid, loving base, a place that feels like home. Learn how to feel what it is you long for and how to ask for that. What is it you don't want and learn to lovingly express that as well. Connect to your body in a way that is in alignment with your soul. ​ The Pelvic Release course gives you the tools I’ve used with HUNDREDS of clients to release all types of blockages in your genital and pelvic area. What makes this course unique is that I will also teach you to use those techniques BY YOURSELF. So you can use them on yourself or with a partner. Because the world really needs this... There are SO many people experiencing problems in their sex life, or at the very least experience a ´less-than-optimal´experience in their sex life. You can expect the Pelvic Release to improve your life in many ways. The ripple effects of this work can be felt throughout every aspect of your life. My clients have reported improvements, not just in there sexual lives - but also in the quality of there relationships, professional lives and the connection with themselves. And - the Pelvic Release can help you solve many tangible problems, such as: *Resensitization of the vagina, healing numbness, vaginism and genital pain. *Resensitization of the penis, healing both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. *Negative emotions, negative imprints and sexual trauma. *Vaginal lubrication. *Pain connected to the pelvic floor; such as lower back, hip, legs and lower belly pain.  *Greatly reduces PMS and menstrual cramps. *Keeps the prostate healthy.  You can expect to experience a wide arrange of other benefits. Do you want to know more? Check out the information page: https://www.mariellespronck.nl/pelvic-release
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